Wednesday, May 21, 2008


there is no internship in life. all i have is one shot. one shot only. and that is. no second chance. no karma, no reincarnation. this is the timeto live. but isn't that the question really? am i actually living or am i just like a sleepwalker who wakes up only to realize that he has lost the opportunity to make an impact? yes, God is gracious and loves us and wants the best for us and from us. yes, God has created everything for us, for our enjoyment and fulfillment as human persons. and, yes, God wants us to take ownership of our lives. in life there is no time for having fun, then getting serious. i cannot have it all. i need to make choices, sometimes hard and painful, but mature and responsible because i know where the treasure of my greatest joy lies. i cannot try to live. i can only live and recount the deeds the Lord has accomplished through me. i have discovered that the secret to full joy is not in some egomaniac narcissistic excuse drawing the people to feel pity for you and get cheap graces. the secret to full joy is in offering my life for others, for the people i love, for the people who are suffering.

and i think a certain kind of education has got some good in it, but is wrong in building the individual up as if the person is on a crusade to make some statement about his divine right to fun. only, to relaize at some age later that the person has lived an empty life. individualism leads to emptiness and dispair.